

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00




課程價格: 請咨詢客服






青島新托福,青島雅思專業(yè)培訓(xùn)機構(gòu)-圣.約翰(澳洲)語言專修學校 青島新托福培訓(xùn)學校圣.約翰--海外生活*站 青島新托福培訓(xùn)學校-新托??荚嚳谡Z部分常見問題解答 1. 為什么新托福考試包含口語部分? The focus of the TOEFL iBT is on communicative competence and tests your ability to use English to communicate effectively in an academic setting. Speaking is a key communication skill, along with listening, reading, and writing, and has an important place in the TOEFL iBT assessment. 2. 為什么新托??谡Z中的一些部分的答案是建立在閱讀和聽力文章基礎(chǔ)上的? Speaking tasks that combine reading and/or listening passages with speaking are called integrated tasks. They are included in the TOEFL iBT in recognition of the fact that to succeed academically in English-speaking colleges and universities, students need to be able to combine all their English-language skills—in reading, listening, and speaking, as well as writing—inside and outside the classroom. 3. 在新托??谡Z部分中我要做多少閱讀和聽力工作? The reading and listening passages that are associated with the integrated tasks vary in length but are all quite brief. Reading passages range from approximately 75 to 100 words, and the listening passages are generally between 60 and 90 seconds long. In addition to being short, the listening and reading passages are not intended to be difficult. They are designed to provide you with clear and accessible informa?tion to use in answering the speaking questions. 4. 我在聽力中所有的部分都可以做筆記嗎? Yes. You may take notes at any time during the Speaking section—while reading the written passages, listening to the spoken dialogues or lectures, and preparing your responses. While you listen to the dialogues or lectures and take notes, you should not try to write down word for word everything you hear. If you try to do this, you will probably miss hearing important information. Similarly, while preparing your spoken response, do not try to write out an answer that you will then try to speak. You will not have enough time to write out a full response, and raters will be rating you on your ability to speak, not on your ability to read aloud from a text that you have written. Instead, you should use your preparation to review whatever notes you have taken and to organize your ideas. 5. 回答的評分標準是什么? Each of the six tasks on the TOEFL iBT is rated by human scorers who will assign ratings ranging from 0 to 4 for each response. The scorers will evaluate your responses for the ability they display in topic development, delivery, and language use, and assign an overall score for each response, based on these three factors. 6. 最終口語成績是怎樣評判的? The scores on your individual speaking tasks are added up, with each individual task score carrying the same weight. The sum of these individual scores is converted into a scaled score of 0 to 30, and that is the Speaking score that will be reported to the institutions you request. 7. 出現(xiàn)錯誤會怎樣影響我的成績? Raters will not focus on the number of errors you make. They will score the response based on the overall performance. A response that contains minor or occasional errors may still be scored at the highest level. 8. 如果我來不及回答完會有什么情況? You may find that for some tasks, you are not able to include in your answer all the information you would like to. The time allotted for each speaking response is considered sufficient for you to give a complete answer, and you should try to give as thorough an answer as possible. However, the raters who evaluate your responses recognize that it may not always be possible for you to anticipate precisely how much of what you want to say will fit into the amount of time provided. Keep in mind that how clearly and coherently you convey information is as important as how much information you convey. Therefore, you should avoid speaking at an unnaturally rapid pace if you see that time is going to run out before you say everything you have planned to say. You may find it useful to time yourself when practicing the speaking tasks. This will help you get an idea of how much can be said in the allotted time. 9. 如果時間還沒有到,但我已作答完畢,會有什么情況? If you finish your answer before time runs out, you may want to consider what additional information you could add that make your answer more complete. If you find yourself with extra time, it may not be a good idea for you to merely repeat what you have already said. Rather, ask yourself what else you could say to clarify, elaborate on, or otherwise develop your response more fully. Timing yourself when practicing the speaking tasks should help you get accustomed to the time allowances. 10. 我能回到前面更改我的答案嗎? No. Each of your spoken responses is recorded, and it is not possible to go back and re-record what you have said. For each question, you will be given some time to prepare your answer, and this should help you plan ahead of time what you want to say. You should also remember that your speaking responses are not expected to be perfect. If in the course of giving your spoken response, you realize that you should have said something differently, you should feel free to correct your mistake if you wish, just as you would if you had made a mistake while speaking in your native language and wanted to correct it. Otherwise you may want to simply ignore an error and continue with your response, making sure that the remainder of what you say is as intelligible, coherent, and accurate as possible. 11. 我的口音和發(fā)音會影響我的分數(shù)嗎? All TOEFL iBT test takers will have speech that is accented to some degree or another, and your score will not be affected by your accent, unless your accent interferes with the intelligibility of your response. Minor and/or occasional pronunciation mistakes are also expected, even among the most proficient test takers, and, here again, as long as pronunciation mistakes do not interfere with the intelligibility of your response, they will not count against your score. GOD WILLS IT ! ※2010年-青島雅思寒假班的第二天 ※青島雅思-澳洲圣約翰慶圣誕新年之夢派對 ※青島雅思之滄海一聲笑 ※青島雅思-感恩節(jié)的來信 ※青島雅思-2010年展望未來-雅思,新托福教學調(diào)研和評估 ※重要通知-青島雅思 ※青島雅思之九月為勤奮和毅力而喝彩 ※青島雅思-教師節(jié)的祝福 ※青島新托福之來自紐約的問候-青島雅思 ※青島雅思2009年暑假后傳之快樂無限 ※澳洲飛鴻-青島雅思-2009暑期中傳 ※青島雅思暑期前傳之2009年6月精彩無限 ※青島雅思2009暑期前傳之再現(xiàn)輝煌 ※青島雅思之復(fù)活節(jié)派對 ※2009年,青島雅思暑期之真心希望 ※青島雅思-有志者,事竟成 ※青島雅思之三月鶯飛 ※2009年青島雅思,新托福教學調(diào)研和評估 ※青島雅思-今年春節(jié)沒回家 ※青島雅思之獻給圣約翰--兩次點燃夢想的地方 ※青島雅思-圣誕節(jié)之冰火兩重天 ※青島雅思之圣誕-jingle all the way ※青島雅思,新托??荚嚕M饬魧W的前奏曲 ※雅思、新托福慶圣誕八五折優(yōu)惠中-青島雅思 ※青島雅思-2008年夏天沒有遺憾 ※青島雅思之“我是傳奇-李傳磊” ※青島雅思-暑期最終暢想曲 ※青島雅思-圣約翰暑期青春曲 ※青島雅思之圣約翰暑期進行曲 ※青島雅思之圣約翰暑期前奏曲 ※青島雅思之澳洲圣約翰教育投資公司慶新年-耕耘篇 ※青島雅思之澳洲圣約翰教育投資公司慶新年-收獲篇 ※青島雅思之澳洲圣約翰教育投資公司慶新年-歡慶篇 青島新托福培訓(xùn)中心,青島新托福外語學校 青島新托福培訓(xùn)報名,青島新托福培訓(xùn)學校 青島新托福學校,青島新托福英語培訓(xùn) 青島新托福,青島新托福培訓(xùn), 青島新托福培訓(xùn)考試 青島新托福,青島雅思專業(yè)培訓(xùn)機構(gòu)-圣.約翰(澳洲)語言專修學校精品雅思系列課程,包括雅思入門班、雅思基礎(chǔ)班、雅思預(yù)備班、雅思精品班,雅思高分班,精英新托福系列課程包括新托福基礎(chǔ)班、新托福精英班、新托福模擬沖刺班于2010年4月5/12/19日全新循環(huán)滾動開班,2010年4月15日前報名*可享受8.8-9.5折優(yōu)惠!現(xiàn)正在搶報中! 青島新托福,青島雅思專業(yè)培訓(xùn)機構(gòu)-圣.約翰(澳洲)語言專修學校 青島市山東路9號深業(yè)大廈A座33層(巴黎春天購物廣場樓上)